The yearly conference organized by the RitsumeikanCenter for Asia Paci…

The Refugee Crisis Research Group of the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) held a panel session on “Forgotten Refugees” at the Asia Pacific Conference organized by the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Research Center on November 30, 2024 at the Beppu campus. (10/12/2024)
Moderated by Ken Inoue, GPAJ Directors Akio Nakayama and Kazuhide Kuro…

The Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ) participated in the Asia Pacific Conference organized by the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Research Center on November 30 – December 1, 2024, at the Beppu campus under the theme “Bridging Divides for Global Recovery.” (10/12/2024)
The GPAJ Refugee Crisis Research Group addressed the current grave sit…

Judge Motoo Noguchi gave a speech in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia(2/12/2024)
Motoo Noguchi, a director of the Global Peacebuilding Association of J…

Mr. Koji Sakane, Director of Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan(Japan), has published an article “Sudan’s Identity, Democratization and Development Process”.(29/11/2024)
Mr. Koji Sakane, Director of Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan…

Dr. Akihiro Seita of UNRWA received the Yomiuri International Cooperation Prize on November 26, 2024.(11/26/2024)
Dr. Akihiro Seita of UNRWA received the Yomiuri International Cooperat…

Akashi, Marwala, and Hasegawa Discuss the Possibilities for Cooperation between the Kyoto Peacebuilding Center and the United Nations University. (22/11/2024)
The Honorary Chair of the Council of the Kyoto Peacebuilding Center, M…

New Member MATSUMOTO Rina(12/11/2024)
Ms. Matsumoto has been a staff member of the Japan International Coope…

[New Member] Dr. Hongsheng SHENG (09/11/2024)
Dr. SHENG Hongsheng is a Professor of Public International Law at the …

[New Member] Ms. Fumiko FUKUOKA the Director of the UNWOMEN Japan Office(09/11/2024)
Ms. Fumiko Fukuoka has been the Director of the UNWOMEN Japan O…