ドイツ国際平和活動センター(ZIF)とカイロ紛争解決平和構築センター(CCCPA)が、「調停と外交」と題するピア・コーチング・トレーニング・ワークショップを開催 (26-28/06/2018)


Peer Coaching “Mediation and Diplomacy” Training Workshop
Senior Officials of African Union and League of Arab States
Organized by
German Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) and
Cairo Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA)
(26-28 June 2018)

Philosophy of Peacebuilding: East and West
Prof. Sukehiro Hasegawa
President, Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan (GPAJ)

1. Peace and Justice: East and West

2. Peace and Democracy

3. Role of Leadership in Peacebuilding

UN Special Representatives for Timor-Leste

4. Egyptian Civilization preceded the Eastern and Western Civilizations by 2000 years.
Pyramids of Giza 2560–2540 BC
Egyptians Built Pyramids

5. Einstein on How to Solve Problems

This article has 1 Comment

  1. man will never solve his problems without God his maker so It is good to know our origin and ask ourselves who made us? no chairs can exist without carpenter, no man can exist without God. I have written 55 manuscripts
    and nine are in amazon KDP “expanded distribution” now since last month Febraury 2021, all deal with methods of answering man’s problemmatic questions. thank you
    karlo kolong okoy
    founder of Evangelcail Free Churches of sudanese nations
    architect of Sudanese peace of 2005

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