East Asian Scholars` Dialogue with Senior Officials of UN and International Organizations in Geneva (16-17/07/2018)


You can access (1) the latest provisional program from here and (2) the latest administrative and logistics information (as of 10/JUL/2018) from here. If you are interested in participating, please contact ACUNS Tokyo Deputy Director, Associate Professor Ai Kihara-Hunt. Her e-mail address is kiharahunt[*]yahoo.com (Please change [*] to @ when sending an email).


Ambassador Simona LESKOVAR of Slovenia and Counselor Nuno Alvares Moniz Marques ALVES of Timor-Leste will present challenges faced by their countries. (26/05/2018)


Slovenia became an independent country on June 25, 1991, and currently it is considered the most advanced among nation states born out of the former Yugoslavia but it still faces many challenges. Timor-Leste regained its sovereignty in 2005 and adopted its democratic form of governance but its democratic institutions remain fragile. The counselor will explain the outcome of May 12 national assembly elections.


Delegates from China, Korea and Mongolia meet with Japanese political leaders and government officials as well as Japanese experts and scholars on UN peace operations (19-20/04/2018)


In their discussion of protection of civilians (POC) issues, East Asian groups examined the Kigali Principle and Cruz Report, and recommended that four countries should strengthen the coordination of their pre-deployment and on-site POC activities while noting progress made by the annual Khan Quest operations exercise in Mongolia.


East Asian Forum on UN Peace Operations @UNU (20/04/2018)


The Academic Council on the United System (ACUNS) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) will hold the East Asian Forum on UN Peace Operations entitled New Directions and New Approaches in UN Peace Operations: The Primacy of Politics and Protection of Civilians at the Elisabeth Rose Conference Hall, 5th floor, the UN University on 20th April 2018. If you are interested in participating in this forum, please contact Associate Professor Kihara-Hunt, kiharahunt[@]yahoo.com by email (Please change [@] to @ when sending an email). Please click here for detail.


「国連改革の行くえ」大島賢三 元国連事務次長が基調講演、和田幸浩 外務省国連政策課長が日本の政府の見解を説明する (17/03/2018)


日本国際平和構築協会は3月17日に、元国連大使・国連事務次長(人道問題担当)を務められた大島賢三大使をお迎えして、「国連改革の行くえ」というテーマで研究討論会を開催します。そこでは、外務省の和田幸浩国連政策課長にも、この改革案をどう捉えているか説明して頂き、他の加盟国との受け止め方に関しても討論します。討論者は、猪又忠德 長崎大学国際連携研究戦略アドバイザー・元国連諸組織合同監査団(JIU)独立監査委員・国連行財政諮問委員会委員、山崎節子 元UNDPベトナム・カンボジア事務所長、近藤哲生 国連開発計画(UNDP)駐日代表のお三方です。詳細はこちらをご参照下さい。


GPAJ presents “Triangular Partnership to Strengthen UN Peace Operations” and “Dangerous Diplomacy” (17/11/2018)


Both Mr. Takakazu ITO and Dr. Herman SALTON will make a presentation on the multilateral diplomacy among the United Nations to strengthen UN peacebuilding from 15:00 to 17:30 on Saturday 17th November 2018 at JICA Headquater Room 111.

If you would like to participate, please contact Mr. Masakuni Tanimoto Secretary-General of GPAJ (tanimoto[@]gpaj.org).