In a post-Coronavirus World, Time to Consider a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly and a World Federation

As countries around the globe struggle to combat the new coronavirus pandemic, there is an urgent need for nation states to work together in handling this issue. Over 70 years ago, Albert Einstein and others developed the concept of a world federation as a remedy for dealing with such problems. In the midst of our fight against the evil of the new coronavirus, we have an opportunity to look to the future and deepen discussions toward forming a UN Parliamentary Assembly, then after that a world parliament and ultimately a world federation. Such a structure will transcend the Westphalian system of government to foster unity and cooperation between countries.


Nine Members Declare Their Candidacy for the Board of Directors (15/06/2020)

Nine candidates are Fikolp AMANO (Japan), Ken INOUE (Japan), Motoo NOGUCHI (Japan), Elizabeth GAMARRA (USA), Yasuyoshi KOMIZO (Japan), Dahlia SIMANGAN (Philippines), Arbenita SOPAJ (Kosovo), Tomokiyo TANAKA (Japan) and Guihong ZHANG (China). Five of them will be elected at the extraordinary meeting of the General Assembly on June 22. Please click here for their campaign statements.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s view on COVID-19 and the role of WHO (25/05/2020)

(日本語) 安倍総理大臣は、新型コロナウイルスへの対応をめぐり、米中関係の対立が深まっているなか、日本は、WHOの総会において、公平で独立した包括的な検証を行うべきであるという決議案をEUや豪州等と協力をして提出をし、米国や中国も合意したと述べた。そして、日本は自由、民主主義、基本的人権、法の支配といった普遍的な価値を共有する国々と手を携えながら、国際社会での重要な役割、責任を果たしていく意向を示した。(記者会見に関しては、首相官邸のウエッブサイトを参照して下さい。)


At the General Assembly of the Japanese Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement, Dr. Keizo TAKEMI, adviser of the LDP’s Corona Countermeasures Headquarters, and the UHC Goodwill Ambassador of the World Health Organization (WHO) expressed his views on the importance of international cooperation. (12/05/2020)

Dr. TAKEMI who is also Chairman of the Federation of Western Pacific Parliamentarians said that all nations must work together on issues common interest to the international community such as infectious diseases, and to establish an institutional framework for collaboration in order to contribute to global governance in the future.


Japan Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement, chaired by Secretary-General Masaharu Nakagawa, approves the action plan for Year 2020. (12/05/2020)

Three events proposed and approved by the Diet Committee for World Federalist Movement are (1) Tokyo Peacebuilding Forum (co-sponsored by the Diet Committee and the Global Peacebuilding Association of Japan), (2) the Commission on Global Governance continues to address global issues, e.g. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and gender empowerment, and (3) a signature movement to establish the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.