

 Kae YANAGISAWA (柳沢 香枝)

Current affiliation

 ・Director, Africa Society of Japan

 ・Councilor, Kyoto Peacebuilding Center, Kyoto University of Arts

Activities in the Association


Professional history

 ・Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in Malawi (2016-2019)

 ・Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (2014-2016)

 ・Director, East, Central Asia and Caucasus Department, JICA (2012-2014)

 ・Director, Secretariat of Japan Disaster Relief Team, JICA (2009-2012)

 ・Executive Advisor to the Director of Africa Department, JICA (2008-2009)

 ・Senior Advisor on South-South Cooperation, UNDP (2005-2008)

 ・Resident Representative, JICA Uzbekistan Office (2002-2005)

 ・Visiting Professor, Meiji University (2013-2015)

Academic training

 ・Master of Arts in International Relations, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University (1990)

 ・Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (1980)


 ・“JICA Niyoru Asia Heno Bousai Kyouryoku.” [JICA’s Assistance in Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia]. Bousaiwo Meguru Kokusai Kyouryokuno Arikata –Global Standard to Genbano Aidade, [The Future of International Assistance in Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia – Relationship Between Global Standards and Operations], edited by Yutaka Katayama, Minerva Shobo, 133-147, 2017


 ・Disaster Risk Reduction for Economic Growth and Livelihood – Investing in Rresilience and Development. Co-edited by Ian Davis and Kristalina Georgieva, Routledge, 2015


 ・“Higashinihon Daishinnsaito Kokusai Jindo Sien Kenkyuukai Teigensho. ” [Recommendations to Prepare for Future Mega-Disasters in Japan – Proposal by the Study Group on the Great East Japan Earthquake & International Humanitarian Assistance.] The Journal of Humanitarian Studies Vol.3 Annex, Japanese Red Cross Institute for Humanitarian Studies, 2014


 ・Daisaigaini Tachimukau Sekaito Nippon – Saigaito Kokusai Kyoryoku [Japan and World Tackling Mega-Disasters – Disaster and International Cooperation]. Supervised by Yasushi Akashi and Kenzo Oshima, Saiki, 2013