
Tadanori INOMATA (猪又 忠德)
Current affiliation
・Strategic Advisor for Global Relations and Visiting Professor of Nagasaki University: and a Lecturer at the UNU Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability
・Membership in Academic Associations of: -Japan Association of International Relations -Japanese Society of International Law -Japan Association for United Nations Studies -Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS)
Activities in the Association
・Director (2018-)
・Acted as Presentator in Tokyo Forum; Thematic session 4 on “UN System’s Public Policy and Governance for Peace Building Activities” on 2 November 2019
・Attended the 26th Seminar of the GPA “Japan`s Peacebuilding Support to South Sudan: A Perspective from the Field” by Former Japanese Ambassador to South Sudan given by Masahiko Kiya on 28 January 2018
・Attended the Geneva Dialogue, 16-17 July 2018
・Acted as Commentator in Tokyo Forum; Themetic Group 1-1 on SDGs and peace-building support, on 8 December 2018
・1st Annual Meeting of the GPA’s Symposium on New Challenges in UN Peace Operations in Africa on 2 December 2017 at Tokyo University Komaba Campus
・Attended Consultation Meeting with Dr. Hatem Elatawy, Deputy Director of Cairo Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA) at the UNUon 28 August 2017
・Attended the 25th Seminar on the Threat of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) from the viewpoint of military technology at Tokyo University Komaba Campus on 30 September
Professional history
A. Carrier public service in government and international organizations
・Independent Inspector of the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations system, (the only independent external oversight body of the United Nations system mandated to conduct evaluations, inspections and investigations system-wide 2005-2014).
・Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan in Costa Rica (2002-2005)
・Professor on trans-national relations at the Graduate School of International Cooperation studies of Kobe University in Japan (1999-2002)
・Consul-General at Montreal, Canada (1996-1999)
・Senior members of Japanese missions to UN and international organizations at Geneva, New York, Vienna (1988-1996)
・Senior staff of UNCTAD on international trade (1984-1987)
・Oil Producer-Consumer Relations Analysist at IEA/OECD (1975-1978)
B. Membership & Offices in Multilateral Bodies
・Chairman of Executive Committee of Multilateral Fund for Implementation of Montreal Protocol (2003)
・Chairman of United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (1996-1997)
・Member of Finance Committee of International Sea Bed Authority (1996-2006)
・Chairman of Working Group on Maritime Cooperation of Commission on Narcotic Drugs (1994-1995)
・Executive Director, Point of Contact for Nuclear Suppliers Group at Vienna (1993-1995)
・Chairman of Standing Committee of United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (1992-1996)
・Member of UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions January (1988-1994)
・Member of United Nations Staff Pension Committee (1988-1998)
Academic training
・Taineeship abroad of the Japanese Foreign Office at Université de Rennes, France (Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques) (1966-1968)
・Diploma (Certified completion of post-graduate training required in Area Studies (Europe and China), International Business Management and Languages (English and Chinese)), at the Institute for International Studies and Training, Fujinomiya, Japan
・Master of Laws (Government and International Relations), Keio University Graduate School
・Bachelor of Laws ((Political Science, International Relations), Keio University, Tokyo
Publications (*indicates JIU official reports submitted to UN General Assembly)
He published numerous analyses of system-wide resource planning and management of UN humanitarian assistance and disaster risk reduction, peace operations and environmental governance (see below for detail). The recent publication includes Nagasaki University’s contribution to UNISDR GAR 19 entitled “Eight Years after Fukushima Nuclear Accident -Community Recovery and Reconstruction from Nuclear and Radiological Disasters –A Case of Kawauchi Village and Tomioka Town in Fukushima” (2019).
・Challenges for the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 beyond the Fukushima Nuclear Accident available at UNISDR’s website:
・Building institutional and managerial foundations for a new structure for environmental governance with the United Nations system in International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy: Insights and Overviews Edited by Tuomas Kuokkanen, Ed Couzens, Tuula Honkonen, Melissa Lewis, Routledge, New York, 2016, pp. 68-pp. 82.
・Review of Activities and Resources Devoted to Address Climate Change in the United Nations System Organizations (JIU/REP/2015/5)*
・Post-Rio+20 Review of Environmental Governance within the United Nations System (JIU/REP/2014/4)*
・Strategic Planning in the United Nations system (JIU/REP/2012/12)*
・Financing for Humanitarian Operations in the United Nations system (JIU/REP/2012/11)*
・Environmental Profile of the United Nations System Organizations: Review of their In-House Environmental Management Policies and Practices (JIU/REP/2010/1)*
・Assessment of the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (JIU/REP/2009/4)*
・Managerial accountability and the UN system in Envisioning Rreform: Enhancing UN accountability in the Twenty-first Century, edited by Sumihiro Kuyama and Michael Ross Fowler, UNU Press, Tokyo, 2009, pp. 135-pp. 161.
・Management Review of Environmental Governance within the United Nations System (JIU/REP/2008/3)*
・Towards a United Nations Humanitarian Assistance Programme for Disaster Response and Reduction: Lessons Learned from the Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster (JIU/REP/2006/5)*
・Evaluation of Results-Based Budgeting In Peacekeeping Operations (JIU/REP/2006/1)*
Before 2001
・Toward Integrating the Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements-Reflection on the Harmonization of Measures to Protect the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System, in Gaimushou Chousa Geppou (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Research Journal), Tokyo, December 2001.
・Toward International Governance of Peace Operations in Kokusaikyouryoku Ronshuu (Journal of Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies of Kobe University), Kobe, October 2001.
・Internet and the United Nations Public Policy Networks in Ibid., Kobe, June 2001.
・Reexamining the Certain Expenses of the United Nations toward a Coherent Financing of the United Nations as International Public Goods in Ibid., Kobe, February 2001.
・Establishment of the United Nations Peace-keeping Reserve Fund: Toward an Effective System of Peace-keeping Financing in Ibid., Kobe, November 2000.
・A Study on the Framework of International Cooperation for the Protection of the Ozone Layer under the Montreal in Ibid., June 2000.
・Administration and Management for Peace-Tasks of the United Nations Secretariat in Kokusai Mondai (International Affairs, Monthly Review of Japan Institute of International Affairs), Tokyo, November 1993.
・Meaning of Consensus in the North-South Negotiations in Hougakukenkyu (Keio University Law Faculty’s Journal), Tokyo, March 1983.